Material Mini-CRM is a complete Customer Relationship Management solution. It has all of the basics of a CRM built in, while staying incredibly light-weight for both the client and server. I created this application to try out Google's own MaterialUI ( React component library. I was surprised at how many components that are ready to use, and all of the built in props available to those components.
For the most part, the built in components that MUI offers provides enough to build out projects that follow official Material design and structure with little effort. It also comes with built in support for creating Styled components, creating custom theme providers, and also provides the "sx" prop for applying inline styles for MUI components.
Material Mini-CRM has the following features available in the demo:
Bytewise is a static generated site, built using the NextJS framework. The site was designed and built by me, and is used to display my portfolio projects, or as a place to experiment with new technology. I will be posting my projects as soon as they are available, including Work-in-Progress builds, and I'll include as much detail about the project structure as possible. These projects will include a Demo and the source code for the project if available, and down the line, some of these projects may be open for collaboration. This is the first project on the list, and I'm hoping to release a lot more.
Enjoy the site, and feel free to leave any feedback using the contact page.